Tuesday, January 4, 2011


January ‎04, ‎2011  05:31:10 PM
nk cite hepi2 je la psl keje ni...tp bleh ke?? rase mcm byk beban dari hepi je....haha my post as PROGRAM ENGINEER..buat program ke?programer ke?ngadap2 software ke? eheh yg mane yg xbiase dgn manufacturing industry ni mesti xphm/xtau job description for this post.program engineer ni sebenarnye = project leader...kami ditugaskn utk jage beberape project,n pape yg jd dlm project tu bwh taggungjwb program engineer..project2 tu dtg nye dari customer laa kn, so any reject parts, delay delivery, pape yg jd dgn project tu i la yg kene jwb dgn customer...sebijik macam PENGARAH PRORAM kt UTM dulu2...this program engineer is under business dept of the co...haha dulu time skolah,time blaja kt utm slalu dok nyampah dgn bisnes2 ni...ye la my parent pon involve in bisnes area n also my bf (yg skang ni dh jd my husband) n they r really2 bzzzzzz with their bisnes...n now, i'm in bisnes area..dah rezeki, at first dpt job tu,i xtau lak i dlm dept pe, i pon mengong je ingt  mcm programer ko jage system ke...bile dh masuk n kene training seme baru la i clear...n rase nk menjerit dh time tu!!!sbb i dh sign agreement...hahaha tp i dh hepi wif this job n xnk QUIT! eheh i LOVE bisnes... haaa kt bwh ni my job description, sape rajin sila lah belek2 eh :D

Job Objective (Job Summary):
(Description of general purpose of the job; why the job exists & end results.)

To ensure overall project planning, scheduling, quality and delivery per projects contractual requirements.
To lead and coordinate the proposal project team for new contracts for the department/company.

Job Responsibilities/Duties:
(Summarize typical duties & responsibilities of the job.  Duties should be listed in a logical sequence of importance.)

To lead and coordinate a cross functional proposal project team for capability study, capacity study and project costing.
To ensure contract review meetings are conducted as when required.
Responsible for overall project planning and scheduling.
To lead a cross functional team to ensure program delivery, quality and contractual requirements are met.
Project liaison with customer on program queries, status and reports.
To conduct project meetings with project team as per project schedule.
To carry out any other duties assigned by Head/ Superior from time to time.

(Minimum experience, education and skills/abilities to perform the job at a fully acceptable level.)

Must have at least 2 years in a program management environment. Experience in production is an added advantage.
Bachelors Degree / Diploma in Engineering or related field.
Skills/Abilities (or any special requirement)
·      Analytical and meticulous in nature
·      Leadership skills to lead a cross functional and diversified team
·      Articulate and posses good communication skills in English.
·      Good command of Microsoft Office and Project.

‎January ‎04, ‎2011    6:13:03 PM
hujan lebat melanda!!!tu pon nk gtau ke??nk!sbb i love rainy day.........lalala tpnye bakal menempuhi jln jem laaa cmni....alamak....

Friday, December 31, 2010

at home - new year 2011

--EXCITED--bile xdpt tiket bus kt stesen sh alam mmg rase sgt2 kecewa, really2 miss my family. nasib my sista MC then die ajak beli tiket kat bkt jalil n DAPAT! YEAY! n once get into the bus, uikss xramai sgt pon, bus x full ade 6 seat kosong...mmg sah ramai yg blik t.i kt sh alam...2 hrs n 1/2 journey 9pm-11.30pm..smapi je umh dok chit chat wif my mum smbil tgk2 pic kahwin i kt FB, umh mak still b'sepah, about 80% je yg kemas huhu...n yes, mmg i need to spent my day here to clean up my mum house :D

new year??erm..byk yg kene ubah n need to archive huhu xdpt laa nk list sbb semenye unplan, yes my life is unplan, semuanye atas ketentuan Allah, grad,dpt keje,nikah those things were in my dream, i hanye mampu utk b'doa agar semua impian tu t'makbul...biar la semua impian utk 2011 hanye Allah yg tahu heee...n i miss my husband!!! biase la tu tiap2 ari pon i will miss him, dh tu weekend husband n wife...eheh cmne i leh tahan?useha n doa, insyaAllah semua akan hepi n kekal selamenye...

bye all, nk tlg my bro pack adiah for his gf; on her birthday :D 1/1 best eh birthday on new year!!

my co x off ari jumaat !!!!

writting time: December ‎31, ‎2010  11:42:31 AM

Taaadaaa!! even though the IT ppl block those FB, yahoo mail, YM, and even blog...huh i still able to write and update my blog....but how?haaaa ade laaaaa huhu WHO CARES !! heee....normal la sometimes work load tu aih byk sgt smpai xmenang kaki tgn dibuatnye...but sometime hmm...t'menung dpn laptop xtau nk watpe dh....ntah nape la dieorg ni...block fb tu dh kire cukup la tu kn... there is an case where the fb is not block by co server ...staff bknnye wat keje, i mean if u r really2 dont have any work on that day, or sbb dh siap ke, wat keje SUPER laju ke so in those cases, that should be ok...BUT...BUT...yg ni...die sepanjang hari ber FB, syok komen sane sini, kutok sane sini, ngumpat sane sini (hanya Allah maha mengetahui)...pastu keje2 ofis die wat time malam ok, haha ade gak manusia mcm ni...katenye OT...whut? OT utk wat keje2 yg delay sbb syok ber FB? efficient tol staff mcm ni kn...u all jgn la jd cmtu, xbek tau!

‎December ‎31, ‎2010   2:57:29 PM

alhamdulillah...dh kenyang n guess whut?? ade org pay for our lunch....haha! very funny, strangers yg dok meja dpn kiteorg, budak2 muda la gak kn...i gi lunch b'dua wif my colleague, time i nk gi byr kakak indon tu kate dh ade org byrkn, uikssss sape dieorg tu?? kakak tu kate lelaki yg kt meja dpn we all td..i ade perasan dieorg tgk2 la kn tp biase la lelaki seme cmtu kot ske pndang pmpn Hello!! i dh kahwin k!!! lumrahhhhh konon...eheh anyway THANZ!!! nnt blanje laa lg ye...n gtau awl2 leh i ambik ikan pari lg, ikan siakap ke haha...sepanjang jln kiteorg gelak2 n b'cerita sambil cari jln ke sek 17 n of course laaa SESAT sbb dua2 x expert dgn jln sh alam yg byk round About <slh spell ke?>  ni....nk gi stesen bus nk beli tiket bus, dh byk kali dh gi ctu tp ade kwn yg expert la kt sebelah...ni dua2 pon 2X5 je spesen...setgh jam cari jln, n xdpt tiket bus, HABIS!! ramai plak org t.i kt sh alam ni....ermmmm patah blik ofis pon sesat la lagi....biase la tu...haha n PENAT berpusing2..rase mcm nk salahkn sign board kt sh alam bleh?n plus kekurgn sign board pon ye gak....bile laa nk khatam jln kt sh alam ni...tp xpe, we all cool,sesat2 pon dua2 asyik gelak je sepjg jln kn...eheh siap dpt tgk free F1 racing shows dpn mate...haha kete tu burok petak body kaler merah berdebu, rim tayar kaler ijau, die leh belok dpn kiteorg ala2 style racing car n tayar dpn die i tgk mcm nk terangkat dh,n bunyi nye mmg sebijik macam racing car tp nyaring sket laaa. haha pe tujuannye tu??tp terer gak, i langsung x expect yg kete cmtu leh wat stun ala2 F1 racing car...i punye cute teh2 (name manje kete i, kete pon kene ade name manje k, BIARLAA :P ) harap strike je lawo n bajet sport tp??haha impossible k.....

‎31 ‎December, ‎2010  06:09:11 PM

pelajaran hari ini di ofis : senior staff/ staff yg ade pngalaman bekerje b'banding dgn i yg bape bln keje kn...dieorg kdg2 x realise yg soklan dieorg argue kt kite tu sebnrnye slh dieorg sbb t'lps pndang....n when org baru like me yg gi explain n show the way...huhu bile t’kene kt diri sndiri blik haaa PADAN MUKE kt korang !! so lain kali jgn ingt junior xpndai wat keje :P byk kali dh si junior t’kene n junior pon kenekn la dieorg blik...n dieorg t'sipu2 malu atas keslhn sendiri...biase la, i kalo xtau i tanye, i xmalu b'tanye, but dieorg kn dh terer so xyah tanye2 la eh? --kuang kuang kuang--

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holiday :'(

smlm tgk FB n some of my friends shout/post on   "mintak2 sok dpt laa cuti..." "M'sia menang!!!jumaat cuti!!"      erk....jumaat cuti ke?? huwaaaaa nape laa aku xpilih 1/1/11 utk wat knduri...kn sng ramai member2 yg leh dtg...OHhh!xleh2...my mum start bz dgn kantin skolah lak nnt kn...ok REDHA je...anyway semenye dh selamat n b'jln dgn lancar *SMILE*  heee.... < ni kisah semlm >

< kisah pagi td >

lalalala lalalala dgn hepinye smpai ofis on time *CERIA*  kak 'HR' lak offer karipap "YEAY!!" lalala gi masuk pentry n tanye "miss wong, tomorrow holiday rite2?" dgn penuh harapan b'doa dlm hati...miss wong --"y everybody keep asking on holiday? i still didnt get boss approval yet,wait until he reply the mail k...."  --TOING-- pe laa dieorg ni...boss ni pon, PM yg bg cuti tau...DUSHH! so then i pon dok tggu laaa...pasang tinge sane sini kot ade news psl cuti tu....HAHHH!!at last!!! kak HR pon gi tanye sorang2 HOD (head of department) " u all prefer our co off on friday or monday? "  --GULP-- hello people!! y u all pilih2 hari ni...ikot je la cuti jumaat kn...buat ssh2 je gi survey HOD tu...silap2 dieorg kate xyah cuti laa, haa SUDAHHH!!erm...well, i sabar...think +...mesti ade reason y...yelaa co manufacturing n tgh kejar sales rite...i phm..phm...my frend pon dh msg2 ajak blik t.i mlm ni....< tp i still kt USJ > y?y?y? sbbnyeeeee......majoriti nk cuti isnin......aishhhh!ok...fine...sok pg2 i nk make sure jln ke sek 20 Shah alam tu x JEM ok!!! kalo jem....siap laaaa...siap.....